How to tap into the legendary
genius of Jim Rutz...and use it to skyrocket your sales results!
Now you can get 208 multimillion-dollar promo swipes…rare trainings and interviews…headline and teaser copy “cheat sheets”…and much more, from one of the world’s highest-paid and most influential copywriters of all time
Dear Friend,
Have you ever wondered how much higher-performing, profit-producing copy you could write if you were able to “pick the brain” of one of the greatest copywriters who ever lived?
Not just a copywriter who is “good.”
Or even a hallowed A-Lister.
But someone with a unique ability to produce industry-shaking breakthroughs? The type of copywriter who comes around only once or twice a decade?
Well, on this page, I am going to share with you a rare opportunity to do just that.

And the copywriter I am talking about is, of course, the late, great Jim Rutz.
Jim Rutz was known as the guy you called when you needed a control that could pull record-breaking response.
He could—with a flick of his pen—generate millions in revenue. Hundreds of thousands of new customers. And quite literally build businesses on the back of a single promotion.
He commanded fees up to $100,000 per package—plus hundreds of thousands more in royalties too. And if you count for inflation, that means Jim was raking in a cool half million for writing a single sales letter.
But even with those outrageous fees, he had all the best direct-marketing companies of the day vying for a slot on his calendar. Companies like, Boardroom, Phillips Publishing, Rodale, KCI Communications, Agora and more.
In other words, Jim was so good that…
His calendar was booked solid with the best, most prestigious clients of the day… even though he charged double, triple, and even quadruple the rates of other copywriters
And he was worth every cent.
I can say that with certainty because during my 22 years as the Executive Vice President of Boardroom, I was lucky enough to work closely with Jim on some of his most breakthrough packages.

Brian Kurtz
Helps 6, 7, 8, and 9-figure direct-marketing brands build businesses that are more profitable and impactful, too
As you might know, my name is Brian Kurtz. For nearly 40 years I have followed a specific set of direct marketing principles that helped me build an iconic publishing company to $150 million at its height.
Today, I use these principles to help my 6, 7, 8, and 9-figure clients and mastermind members build businesses that are more profitable and more impactful too.
During my career, I’ve been able to hire, be mentored by, and even teach many of the most legendary and highest-paid copywriters who have ever walked the earth.
Copywriters like Eugene Schwartz, Gary Bencivenga, Clayton Makepeace, Parris Lampropoulos, David Deutsch, Kim Krause Schwalm, Carline Anglade-Cole, Mel Martin, Jim Punkre, and many more.
But even after bumping shoulders with all of those giants…
I can tell you for a fact…
There was no one like Jim Rutz
It wasn’t until I visited Jim at his Colorado Springs home that I came to realize just how it was that he got to be so good.
I had worked with Jim for years by that time. And we had mailed millions of his direct-mail packages selling Boardroom’s highest-grossing books and newsletters.
And because he seemed to have a constant outflow of “knock you on your butt” ideas, I had always sort of assumed that writing brilliant, breakthrough copy came easily to him.
But then I visited Jim’s home. And when he opened the door and led me inside, I saw that…
He didn’t have a single piece
of furniture anywhere in sight!
Instead, he had stacks and stacks of ad copy he had gotten from the biggest mailers of the day.
And that is how Jim got to be so good.
Even while cranking out one multimillion-dollar control after another… and reaching legendary status among his peers…
Jim continued to build his copywriting skills head and shoulders above those he competed against by reading, studying, and absorbing every bit of control copy he could get his hands on.
And with all that control copy “bouncing around his brain,” it is no wonder Jim pumped out what seemed to be an endless number of winning ideas, such as…
Jim’s “brain-child” that
revolutionized the world of marketing
and has been used to sell billions worth of products
in almost every industry and niche imaginable

Even though it looks quite advanced, this is the cover of the first magalog ever mailed. Created by Jim Rutz and designer, Ed Elliot, this format changed marketing forever and has been used to sell billions worth of products.
Maybe you’ve heard about the “magalog.” It’s a long-form sales letter with lots of sidebars and order forms that masquerades as a magazine.
But what you might not know is that the magalog was the brainchild of Jim Rutz and a top-notch designer named Ed Elliott.
And unless you’ve been in direct-marketing as long as I have, you probably don’t know just how truly groundbreaking the magalog was.
In fact, Gary Bencivenga, who is widely known as “The World’s Greatest Living Copywriter,” said in one of the few interviews he ever granted that…
“As soon as I saw that first magalog,
I knew these guys had done it.”
They had “done it” indeed.
Because the magalog—plus the “bookalog” and other formats it spawned—became so successful that almost no other direct-mail format is used by any of the major mailers then or now.
Which is why Boardroom, Rodale, Phillips Publishing, Agora, and many of the biggest names in our industry will tell you that they used the magalog to not only build entire product lines, but…
In some cases they used it
to build entire businesses
For example:
One of Jim’s most notable promotions was a “bookalog”—the book version of a magalog—he wrote for Phillips Publishing with the infamous headline:

This legendary promotion sold a whopping 100,000+ subscriptions for Phillip’s Publishing’s “Alternatives” newsletter despite breaking every headline "rule" known to man.
“Read This Or Die.”
I can’t say for sure how many subscribers this promotion generated for their newsletter Alternatives, with Dr. David Williams as the “guru.” But word on the street is the number was somewhere north of 100,000 new subscribers at $39 to $79 a pop.
Which means:
This promotion brought in $6 million or more in revenue… on the front end alone.
And when you count the year-after-year subsequent renewal revenue… the high-priced air filters and water purifiers sold to subscribers on the back-end… and the hordes of new subscribers who would rabidly buy Dr. Williams’ recommended supplements from Phillips’ nutritional supplements subsidiary, Healthy Directions…
Add it all up and you’re talking about
tens of millions of dollars or more
produced by one winning promotion
That’s the power of studying Jim Rutz’s copy and using the same principles to create your own breakthrough promotions.
If you’re a copywriter, it can put you on the map and get the best, most prestigious clients lining up to work with you.
If you’re an offer owner, it can potentially add a zero to your yearly sales or even your profits.
And with all that success surrounding Jim, it is easy to see why A-Listers like David Deutsch and John Carlton sought him out when they were looking for a mentor.
It’s also why—especially since Jim passed away in 2014—savvy copywriters and marketers have searched far and wide for samples of his work to study and learn from.
Yet all too often, they’ve come up empty-handed.
Because even though Jim was a “founding father” of our industry…
His work and teachings are extremely rare.
Jim never sold a course on copywriting. He never promoted himself as “guru of the month.” And outside of the small handful of publishers he called clients and the few copywriters he taught…
Almost no one has ever seen Jim’s work
or so much as gotten a glimpse inside
his brilliant marketing mind
That’s why, unless you were on lots of mailing lists in the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s… and you happened to get and save one of Jim’s breakthrough promotions…
It is nearly impossible to find any of his work today.
In fact, Lawrence Bernstein—the “world’s most obsessive ad archivist” and the man behind the popular Info Marketing Blog—confirmed this.
Telling us that he, even after a lifetime of looking, had only one or two Rutz pieces in his personal swipe file.
Which shows you just how rare these promotions are.
Until one day…
A chance phone call from The Copy Sister
saved these rare promotions
from “dusty death”
If Jim Rutz is a little-known “Titan of Direct-Response,” then his sister, Ginger (aka “The Copy Sister”), is even less so.

Jim Rutz with his baby sister Ginger. What most don't know is that Ginger was Jim's secret copyediting weapon. He "trained" her from a young age by reciting poetry to her by rote since the tender age of just 9 years old.
Ginger was Jim’s “secret copyediting weapon”—working behind-the-scenes on many of Jim’s most successful promotions.
She was responsible for making sure each piece was perfect. And for “toning down” any of Jim’s eccentricities that might be offensive or fly 10,000 miles over the reader’s head. (Jim was that “off-the-wall” and unique!)
One day shortly after Jim had passed, I got a phone call from Ginger. And strangely enough, I happened to be writing Jim’s eulogy at the time.
When I picked up the phone, Ginger told me something wonderful.
She said that she had been organizing Jim’s belongings and had found a box of hundreds of promotions he had saved as part of his personal swipe file.
And right then she knew what she had found was “gold” to any copywriter or marketer working today.
But there was a problem!
When Ginger found these promotions, she realized none of them were labeled or organized.
Which meant we had no way to tell the genuine Rutz controls from the ones Jim had gotten in the mail and saved to study.
It felt like finding a box of unsigned plays at Shakespeare’s house. And having no way to tell which were “lost plays” he wrote and which he admired enough to save.
But then, by a stroke of luck…
Three “Copy Sleuths” accepted
the call of the Copy Crusade
I am lucky to have a close-knit online family. And even luckier that three “copy sleuths” from my online family accepted this call to adventure.
In fact, these three “copy sleuths”—copywriters, Zac Romero, Paul Martinez, and Neil Sutton—were every bit as passionate about the project as I was.
And together—including, the three “sleuths,” Ginger, myself, and anyone else we could rope into helping us—we gathered, sorted, and verified almost every Rutz piece in this collection.
It wasn’t easy.
We had to reach out to dozens of publishers—many under new management and some that were no longer in business.
And it took nearly three years!
When you add it all up—5 people times 3 years—that’s a whopping 15 years of human life that it took to gather, sort, verify, and publish the 208 rare promotions in this collection (plus, all the other rare goodies we included that you cannot find anywhere else).
Part of why it took so long was my fault.
I had a real sense of what this swipe file meant to our industry. So I felt pressured for perfection.
I knew that this was way more than just a product to help you become a world-class copywriter or to help you make an extra million bucks. (Although, if you take it seriously, I believe it can do both those things for you.)
This was Jim’s legacy. And a big part of marketing history too.
In fact, I felt so much looming perfection that…
I had to almost die
before I was ready to put this out
It wasn’t until I had a stroke and saw “old man death” knocking at my door that I realized if I didn’t get this product out now… that it might just become an unrealized footnote in the story of my life.
And so it was the fickle nature of life that made me realize that now is the time.
So finally, after all these years and a near brush with death, my team and I collected 208 of Jim’s best and rarest promotions in: health, supplements, financial, B2B, consumer, services, and more.
And thus we created a one-of-a-kind direct-response collection that no copywriter worth his or her salt should be without. It’s called:
Read This Or Die:
The Lost Files Of Jim Rutz
To help you decide if it’s something you really do want, here’s a quick overview of everything you get when you pick up this one-of-a-kind collection today:
The fact is, you have the chance to own the swipe file of one of the greatest copywriters who ever lived.
But with everything included above, this collection goes way beyond a mere “swipe file.”
Because when you get this collection into your hands—When you begin imbibing and absorbing some of the most creative and brilliant ad copy ever to be mailed… when you see breakthrough after breakthrough and hear the secrets from the master himself…
You will be getting the equivalent of
a graduate degree in
how to think like an a-plus copywriter
And “Professor Jim” has the track record to prove it!
Here is what David Deutsch—who was a Jim Rutz mentee and has since made over a billion dollars in sales via his ad copy—said about Jim:
“Once you started reading his copy, you just couldn’t put it down!”
“Jim was one of the most in-demand copywriters in the world. Clients would wait up to a year for him to put his pen to work for their products. That’s why he was able to charge some of the highest fees of any copywriter — up to $100,000.
Perhaps you’ve seen the ‘World’s Most Interesting Man’ commercials for a well-known beer? Jim was the world’s most interesting copywriter. Once you started reading his copy, you just couldn’t put it down.
It pulled you in by your collar. His words, his wit, his intelligence (and his respect for the readers) were truly a delight.”
—David Deutsch
A Jim Rutz mentee who has since made
$1 billion in sales through his ad copy
And here is what John Carlton—another Rutz disciple who is (in)famous for penning some of the most outrageous and ripped-off ads in marketing history—said about his tutelage under master Jim:
“One of the most skilled ‘pure’ writers I ever met.”
“Jim was a brutal taskmaster, an over-the-top great teacher, and one of the most skilled ‘pure’ writers I ever met. Also one of the most eccentric. And while he and I existed in completely different worlds, his advice for me to let my freak flag fly (not his words, of course) helped me create my own global reputation.”
—John Carlton
A Jim Rutz mentee and
“The World’s Most Ripped-Off Copywriter”
And Ben Settle—who I once called “a modern day Rutz” when he spoke at my mastermind—said that Jim’s influence has given his email, sales copy, and content an unfair edge:
“Jim Rutz’s brilliant ads have been my favorite guilty-pleasure for almost 20-years”
“Jim Rutz's brilliant ads have been my favorite guilty-pleasure for almost 20-years.
Especially since they break nearly every conventional “rule” of great copywriting.
And, also especially since the small number of his ads and sales letters I was able to procure early on radically influenced the way I think about, write, and approach emails, sales copy, and other content marketing… to make them stand out shoulders and heads in the psyches of thousands of people each day judging by my email & sales letter response trends.
—Ben Settle
7-figure info and software publisher
and one of the world’s premier email specialists
And Kim Krause Schwalm, who is famous for writing multimillion-dollar controls for her health and supplement clients, says she considers this Jim Rutz collection a “must-have for any serious copywriter or offer owner”:
“I personally consider it a must-have for any serious copywriter or offer owner… The game-changing insights are like money in the bank!”
“Read This Or Die: The Lost Files of Jim Rutz is an incredible treasure trove of multimillion-dollar promo swipes, interviews, and much more. I personally consider it a must-have for any serious copywriter or offer owner who wants to write blockbuster copy that generates record-breaking sales or builds entire businesses. The game-changing insights you’ll glean about Jim Rutz--and what made his brain tick so he could come up with the massively profitable ‘Big Ideas’ he consistently hit home runs with--are like money in the bank!”
—Kim Krause Schwalm
A-List copywriter and copy mentor
known for penning multimillion-dollar health controls
But we’re not done yet! Because the man universally recognized as “The world’s greatest living copywriter” said this to Rutz in a private hand-written letter (which is included below and inside “Read This Or Die: The Lost Files Of Jim Rutz”):

This is a rare, hand-written note from none other than Gary Bencivenga, otherwise known as “The World’s Greatest Living Copywriter”. You can read the note in full… along with a dozen more like it (from the likes of John Calrton… David Deutsch… Lee Euler… copywriting scout John Finn… and more) inside these “Lost Files”
“I always think it’s a waste when our work is pitted against one another.”
“I have tremendous respect for your work. I always enjoy reading your packages. They’re so fiercely original and entertaining, too. I always think it’s a waste when our work is pitted against one another. (I’d rather go around beating up 48 lb. weakling packages then have to go up against you, Bill Jayme or a few other “top guns.”) But for whatever reason, our paths, and our pens, must occasionally cross.”
—Gary Bencivenga
Universally recognized as
“The World’s Greatest Living Copywriter”
As you can see, I’m not blowing smoke when I say Jim was one of the greatest copywriters to ever live.
Because above you have 5 of the best copywriters of all time singing Jim’s praises.
And these copywriters span many of the most popular and profitable direct-response niches.
So whether you write emails, traffic-generating ads, online sales letters, VSLs or direct-mail copy for health, financial, supplements, B2B, or anything else, this rare, carefully-curated collection will give you all the ideas and inspiration you need for your next dozen breakthroughs and beyond.
How these “Lost Files” can help you crank out
winning emails, sales pages, VSLs, ad copy
and more…
While the “bulk” of this collection is long-form promotions (with a handful of extremely rare space ads too), you don’t have to use long-form copy to benefit from it.
In fact, anyone who uses any kind of sales copy, podcasts, videos, interviews, speeches, social media posts, blog posts, articles, or any other form of persuasive communication to sell, influence, or inspire, will find plenty of insights to fuel them for years.
And Jim himself is proof of that.
Because Jim went way beyond just selling goods and services.
He also used what he knew about copywriting to carry out what he saw as his “God-given mission” of spreading the concept of the “open church.” A way of practicing Christianity that Jim felt was closer to the religion’s roots.
Which means that Jim may have been the only copywriter ever who…
Built a religious movement from the ground up
and changed the habits of
hundreds of thousands of Christians
across the world!
Jim spread this religious movement through books, speeches, and radio interviews that were every bit as persuasive as the most successful long-form promotions he wrote for the largest marketers on the planet.
That’s why I’m not being flippant when I say that reading Jim’s copy and watching it perform in the marketplace was a truly religious experience.

Jim wrote this piece in the '90s for publishing behemoth Agora, which does $1 Billion in revenue today.
What made this piece breakthrough was not that it looked like a newspaper... but that it was mailed from the future!?
It’s also why I’m not being flippant when I say that studying Jim’s work can set you up to spread almost any message, concept, idea, or philosophy that you can think of through any medium that exists now or in the future.
For example, check out this piece—made to look like a “Washington Tribune” newspaper–that Jim wrote for publishing behemoth Agora.
Not only is it made to look like a newspaper… not only does it have an outrageous headline… not only does it tap into a deep-seated fear of the market…but…
This one-of-a-kind sales letter…
is written from the future!
How many people do you know that can pull that off?
But Jim pulled it off without a hitch.
That’s because Jim constantly pushed (and even defied) every boundary in his way. And when you pick up “Read This Or Die: The Lost Files Of Jim Rutz” today, you will see 208 examples of some of the most boundary pushing copy on the planet.
And as you begin to see these in action, you will start to “get” how to adapt these same “boundary-pushing” principles to whatever format you happen to write.
For example:
One of the ways that Jim pushed boundaries was in his love for the “comic ad” format. And for good reason.
Because one of his early comic ads generated more than 500% in pure profit for his client… even with the added cost of printing and postage of direct-mail.
And inside this collection, you will see an example of a comic ad that shows you…
How to increase the selling power of your copy
using raw humor and wit!

This “Dr. Dollar” piece was written for Phillip’s Publishing in their prime. Not only is it a brilliant “big idea” and a showcase of how to fully leverage format. But is also an example of something we did over and over again at Boardroom: Positioning the “guru” as the hero.
Jim was a master at taking serious topics—like health or money—and adding just the right amount of humor and wit to get his foot in the door. Almost like a jester “getting away” with speaking truth to the King.
Of course, in the wrong hands, using humor to sell can be corny at best and at worst disastrous.
But Jim had such a deep understanding of language and human behavior, he could add just the subtle flair he needed to hook his readers and keep them reading until the end.
The “Dr. Dollar” promotion you see to the left is an example of just that. And it is just one of the dozens of financial promotions in this swipe file that can…
Give you a far deeper and more profitable perspective
into the “wild world” of financial publishing
“Read This Or Die: The Lost Files Of Jim Rutz” gives you 63 of Jim’s best direct-mail promotions selling investing, tax, and retirement offers for “800-pound gorilla” publishers, such as Agora, Phillips Publishing, KCI Communications, Boardroom, and more.

These are the types of sidebars you can expect in this Dr. Dollar promotion—and many others you will find inside these “Lost Files”. Every one of these sidebars was designed to give value… all while teasing the product.
And though these promotions date back to the ‘70s, many of the angles inside are foundational to the hooks and themes used in the biggest financial promotions today. Plus, you will find pieces that were written as recently as 2013.
Which all adds up to one thing:
For a fast-moving financial copywriter or offer owner looking for more wins and bigger royalty checks and profits… this collection condenses four decades of financial publishing history and hundreds of millions in revenue onto one searchable USB.
But this collection doesn’t end with financial swipes. Inside you will also find dozens of alternative health and supplement promotions that show you…
How to “take the pulse”
of the lucrative health niche

This is a perfect example of how Jim combined grab-you-by-the-throat headlines with eye-popping imagery. Plus, the idea of "information overload" is just as relevant today (if not more so) than it was when Jim wrote this a few decades ago.
Jim was in the forefront of the alternative health niche. In fact, as mentioned earlier, his infamous control (and the title track of this collection) “Read This Or Die” single handedly brought in over 100,000 new subscribers to Phillips Publishing Alternatives newsletter.
So it is no wonder that many of today’s top A-List health writers—such as Kim Krause Schwalm, David Deutsch, and Parris Lampropoulos—point to Jim as an early influence.
And inside “Read This Or Die: The Lost Files Of Jim Rutz” you will see why.
Because you will be able to pour through 34 unique health promotions selling newsletters subscriptions, books, and supplements of all kinds.
Promotions packed with incredibly powerful “big ideas” that are every bit as persuasive today as they were when Jim used them to make millions for himself and his clients.
But this swipe file goes far beyond just coming up with crazy new, “industry-shaking” ideas…
It can also help you write copy
far faster… with far greater assurance
Because any time you are stuck for a headline, subject line, ad, email, or even an offer, just pull up one of the 208 ads and “swipe & deploy.”
And over time, as you “pickle your brain” in all this great copy… you just may find that headlines, subject lines, and big ideas practically “pour” out of YOU non-stop!
But it gets even better.
Because in the appendix, you will find a collection of Jim’s best headlines and teaser copy in one easy “cheat sheet,” making it…
An almost-instant headline
or email subject line generator!
In fact, just scrolling through the 85 pages of headlines, subheads, and teaser copy will show you dozens of ways to capture attention that almost no copywriter today has ever seen (or even thought of).
And—in my clearly biased opinion—doing that alone will not only make you a better marketer and copywriter by tonight…
It can give you a huge leg up on your competition!
We’ve also made it a breeze to find any of the 208 rare promotions you get inside.
That’s why the easily-searched “Table of Contents” shows you exactly where to find each piece. Plus, you will see context and background into Jim’s life… and commentary and origin stories on many of his promotions too. (You will even hear from his Copy Sister and secret weapon, Ginger.)
But that’s still not all. To give you even more context into this brilliant man, we’ve also added…
Over 2 hours of rare audio trainings from
Clayton Makepeace, John Carlton,
David Deutsch, and Jim Rutz himself
That you can’t find anywhere else!
The “swipe file” portion of “Read This Or Die: The Lost Files Of Jim Rutz” has everything you need to figuratively “pick Jim’s brain” and begin absorbing some of his little-known ways of pumping out winning sales copy, products, and marketing strategies that get you legendary results.
But I felt it was important to give you a sense of what Jim’s legacy meant to the direct-response and copywriting industry.
I also wanted you to give you a “quick win.” Something you can go through in a single afternoon and come out the other side better equipped to write a monster breakthrough.
Which is why I am throwing in two audio trainings you can’t find anywhere else.
The first is when Clayton Makepeace got Jim to sit down for a power-packed 45 minutes and spill some of his best-kept copywriting secrets. (It’s one of the very few interviews Jim ever granted. And, if my sleuthing is correct, this is the only interview with Jim available anywhere today.)
The other is 1.5 hours of pure content from when I interviewed John Carlton and David Deutsch on Jim’s influence on their illustrious careers and copywriting at large. As I mentioned earlier, John and David were two of Jim’s prize students.
So there is no one better to speak on what made his craft stand head and shoulders above the rest.
And as a special “sneak preview” of the audios (and to give you a sense of some of the incredible secrets you will learn while studying his promotions), here are a few of the tips you will discover inside the “Jim Rutz Live” audio training section:
Get the best, most prestigious,
and most powerful clients and mentors
lining up to work with you
and only you!
This tip, I am sure, is the reason why John Carlton was able to work and be mentored by all the biggest names in our industry, from Jim Rutz… to Jay Abraham… to Gary Bencivenga… to Gary Halbert… and more.
And if you want to attract amazing mentors and the best, highest-paying clients, that last tip can get you there and then some.
But when it comes to getting clients, this collection has more to give too. Because in the section titled “Rutz Selling Rutz,” you will see over a dozen glorious examples of…
How any copywriter, coach,
freelancer or service provider
can make far more sales
while hiding behind their desk!
Jim was a hard-core introvert (and even that is an understatement). So he never found clients at seminars, masterminds, or other events.
Instead, Jim used incredibly creative “stopper” headlines that stuck like a red-hot poker into his prospect’s eye.
Headlines such as…
How To Produce
Great Ad Copy
With Your Toes
Clever, right?
Well, just wait until you see how Jim pays off on that clever promise (and he really does!). Plus, Jim wrote this by “swiping” an old David Ogilvy ad. So it is an example in action of how you can “swipe & deploy” some of Jim’s copy too.

This is just one example of how Jim brilliantly sold his own copywriting services. If you use ads, emails, podcasts, speaking, or any other type of persuasive communication to sell yourself... then the swipes inside the "Rutz Selling Rutz" section can put what you already do on overdrive!
You will find almost a dozen more examples just like this one in the “Rutz Selling Rutz” section.
But we're not done with the “Jim Rutz Live” audio training yet.
Here are a few more tips you will uncover inside:
All but eradicate “being boring”
from your copy, your mannerisms,
and even your personality!
That last point is no small feat.
In fact, when I asked A-List copywriters David Deutsch and John Carlton to boil down the most important “essence of Rutz,” they told me this:
Never be boring.
They said that was the one thing, above all else, that set Jim apart. His deep fear, distaste, and downright disgust of being boring.
Which you will see in action in every single one of the 208 promotions inside “Read This Or Die: The Lost Files Of Jim Rutz.”
But before I tell you how you can own this unique collection, you should know this:
1) This collection is intended for serious copywriters and marketers only - While the amateur, newbie, and “hobbyist” marketer can certainly use this to increase their skills, write bigger winners faster, and get their money back and then some… this collection is intended for the “hardcore” copywriters and marketers that live and die by their response. So if that doesn’t describe you… at least don’t say you weren’t warned.
2) This collection is not something you breeze through in a weekend and then shelve away to collect dust - Yes, you can scan a handful of swipes, the headline “cheat sheet,” and the 2+ hours of impossible-to-find-anywhere-else audio and be much better off. But there are over 200 swipes in this product. Many of them are 16-32 pages long (some are even longer). That’s why I consider this to be the equivalent of a Graduate Degree In Direct Response. So while you don’t have to study every single promotion (just reading the headlines, teaser copy, leads and bullets will give you an education like no other), this collection is worthy of a lifetime of study. Respect it and you’re almost certain to see vast rewards.
3) This collection is housed on a physical USB and shipped to your mailbox in a protective plastic case - That way, you can have the USB in your library. And never have to worry about a hard-drive malfunction. That said, there is no digital copy or link to download from.
4) There are no refunds and all sales are final - Jim’s work has been hailed as revolutionary by top copywriters and marketers for decades. And every copywriter I’ve shown this collection to has been blown away. So I have no qualms in saying that this alone can exponentially grow the bottom line of anyone who uses words or ideas to make sales. That’s why there are no guarantees or refunds and all sales are final.
If that’s ok with you, then…
Here’s how to get your hands on this
one-of-a-kind collection today
Putting a price on a collection of this magnitude is sort of like putting a price on The Mona Lisa.
Of course you can do it.
But no “number” can ever truly reflect the value inside.
That said, other top copywriters sell their controls for upwards of $50 a pop. And inside this collection there are 208 promotions that you cannot find anywhere else.
So even if you could find these promotions elsewhere (which other than maybe one or two pieces is next to impossible)... others might charge you as much as $10,300 or even more.
And even then, other copywriter’s swipes don’t give you any context. They just give you a download link for a PDF and send you on your way.
With “Read This Or Die: The Lost Files Of Jim Rutz”, you will get context and the background stories behind many of the swipes. (Admittedly this is not “analysis” or a “break down”... but it will show you some of Jim’s tricks and tips, so you can get far more insights from each control you study.)
With everything you get, I could easily charge thousands for this and still feel like I was giving you a deal.
But the truth is, I know that Jim would want any marketer or copywriter striving to be the best to have this swipe file in their collection (his ego would like it too).
Because again, this isn’t just about selling a “copywriting” product.
This isn’t just about you making an extra million bucks (although, if you apply the secrets inside… it is possible it could do so for you and your clients).
This is about preserving the legacy of one of the greatest copywriters who ever lived.
That’s why, right now, you can get this one-of-a-kind collection shipped to your mailbox for a one-time payment of just $295 plus a small fee for shipping & handling.
The ideas behind Jim’s promotions have revolutionized our industry. And have been the catalyst for many of today’s top copywriters to excel at their craft.
And not only has it never been easier to get your hands on Jim’s work…
Until now…
it hasn’t even been possible
So if you’d like to be among the first to own this unique collection, there’s no time to waste. Simply click the button below and get started right away:
Brian Kurtz
P.S. Jim’s brother, Bob, who worked closely with Jim, and even helped him launch a few companies, shared these “rules” that Jim used to write copy:
Inside “Read This Or Die: The Lost Files Of Jim Rutz”, you will see 208 rare promotions that did just that.
Such as this magalog back cover Jim wrote for Boardroom’s biggest newsletter, Bottom Line Personal:

If that came in your mailbox… and you were in the habit of throwing out your junk mail sight unseen…
How could you not at least take a peek?
There are 207 more promotions just like this one inside.
And remember, there’s a whole lot more than just regular old “swipes” in here. To remind you, here is everything you get when you pick it up today:
Above all…
this collection is designed
to help you become
a legend at your craft
Which obviously won’t necessarily be easy. And most likely, will take lots of work.
But my belief is that “Read This Or Die: The Lost Files Of Jim Rutz” can get you there faster and with more certainty than going it alone. So if you’d like to pick up this collection while it is still available (and any copywriter I know would say this is as close to a “no-brainer” decision as it gets), then click the button below and get started today: